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Cultivo de ñame

19 Marzo 2021

Los tubérculos tienen un papel significativo dentro de la dieta alimenticia por ser fuente de...

Asohofrucol y el Fondo Nacional de Fomento Hortifrutícola participarán en Agroexpo 2019

09 Julio 2019

  Bogotá D.C. Junio 11 de 2019. El próximo 11 de julio se inaugurará Agroexpo...

Colombia y Ecuador, una alianza saludable

Colombia y Ecuador, una alianza saludable

15 Marzo 2017

  El Primer congreso binacional de productores de frutas y hortalizas será el próximo 24...

Sumapaz, afectado por la Seguridad Alimentaria

Sumapaz, afectado por la Seguridad Alimentaria

23 Diciembre 2016

Sumapaz registra un índice de 54,8 % en Seguridad Alimentaria; el más alto de la...

En 2016 aumentaron las hectáreas sembradas

22 Diciembre 2016

El Ministro de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, Aurelio Iragorri Valencia, informó que el 2016 termina...

Frutas Colombianas en el mercado mundial

Frutas Colombianas en el mercado mundial

19 Diciembre 2016

El creciente mercado de las frutas exóticas y tropicales en el mundo se presenta como...

Iniciativas Tecnológicas que favorecen el Campo

16 Diciembre 2016

A través de plataformas, aplicaciones para celular y mensajes de texto, se busca mejorar la...

Crecen los créditos al campo Colombiano

15 Diciembre 2016

Con desembolsos de crédito por más de $ 10 billones de pesos, Finagro cerrará el...

El aguacate, gran promesa para el agro colombiano

14 Diciembre 2016

Son muchos los productos colombianos que tienen un gran potencial de exportación, pero si hay...

Festival de Guanábana en Boyacá

Festival de Guanábana en Boyacá

12 Diciembre 2016

En Tununguá (Boyacá) se desarrollará el primer festival de la Guanábana, habrán concursos y torneos.

Colombia registra baja Agroindustria

Colombia registra baja Agroindustria

09 Diciembre 2016

De acuerdo a los avances del programa de transformación productiva (PTP), publicados por el Ministerio...

IGAC menciona que sólo el 11% de los suelos del Departamento de Boyacá son aptos para agro y ganadería.

IGAC menciona que sólo el 11% de los suelos del Departamento de Boyacá son aptos para agro y ganadería.

07 Diciembre 2016

Un informe del Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (Igac) muestra que pese a que Boyacá siempre...

Se lanza estrategia para impulsar el consumo de alimentos producidos por el Agro Colombiano

Se lanza estrategia para impulsar el consumo de alimentos producidos por el Agro Colombiano

05 Diciembre 2016

A través del proyecto "Ruta Mi Campo Sabe Mejor” se busca impulsar el consumo de...

Canadá, mercado de gran potencial.

02 Diciembre 2016

Según un estudio de mercado de Procolombia, los consumidores Canadienses tienen gran aceptación por las...


JUser: :_load: No se ha podido cargar al usuario con 'ID': 687

JUser: :_load: No se ha podido cargar al usuario con 'ID': 688

A collection of useful utility classes to style your content.


Add the .uk-container class to a block element to give it a max-width and wrap the main content of your website. For large screens it applies a different max-width.


To center the container, use the .uk-container-center class. For any other block element, you additionally need to apply a width.


Centered block element


<div class="uk-width-medium-1-2 uk-container-center">...</div>

Clearing and floating

Floating is fundamental for creating all kinds of layouts. But floats need to be cleared or in the worst case, you might end up with a scrambled site. The following classes will help you to setup basic layouts.

.uk-float-left Float the element to the left.
.uk-float-right Float the element to the right.
.uk-clearfix Add this class to a parent container to clear floats.


<div class="uk-clearfix">
    <div class="uk-float-right">...</div>
    <div class="uk-float-left">...</div>

New block formatting context

Instead of using the .uk-clearfix class, you can create a new block formatting context to clear floats. Depending on your setup, you can evaluate which method is more suited.

.uk-nbfc Sets overflow to hidden to create a new block formatting context.
.uk-nbfc-alt Sets display to table-cell to create a new block formatting context.

Alignment of images and objects

Align images or other elements with spacing between the text and the element.

.uk-align-left Floats the element to the left and creates right and bottom margin.
.uk-align-right Floats the element to the right and creates left and bottom margin.
.uk-align-medium-left Only affects device widths of 768px and higher.
.uk-align-medium-right Only affects device widths of 768px and higher.
.uk-align-center Centers the element and creates bottom margin.


Image aligned to the rightLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


<p class="uk-clearfix">
    <img class="uk-align-medium-right" src="" alt="">

Vertical alignment

To align objects vertically, you need to create a parent container to which the object itself will be aligned.

.uk-vertical-align Add this class to the parent container. This container needs a specific height.
.uk-vertical-align-middle Add this class to the child element to center your content.
.uk-vertical-align-bottom Add this class to the child element to align your content to the bottom.
.uk-height-1-1 This helper class applies a height of 100%.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.


<div class="uk-vertical-align">
    <div class="uk-vertical-align-middle">
<div class="uk-vertical-align">
    <div class="uk-vertical-align-bottom">

NOTE The object you align needs to have a width or max-width that is smaller than its parent container.

Center the entire page

The .uk-height-1-1 class comes in handy, if you want to extend the <html> and <body> elements to the full height of the page. This can be very useful when creating error pages.


<html class="uk-height-1-1">
    <body class="uk-height-1-1">
        <div class="uk-vertical-align">
            <div class="uk-vertical-align-middle">...</div>

Center horizontally

To center your content horizontally as well, add the .uk-text-center class to the parent and the .uk-container-center class to the child element. This is necessary because of the responsive behavior.

Viewport height

To create a container that fills the height of the entire viewport, for example for fullscreen image or video teasers, just add the .uk-height-viewport class.

Position elements

UIkit provides a number of classes to position your content without having to add your own CSS.

.uk-position-absolute Adds absolute positioning to an element.
.uk-position-relative Adds relative positioning to an element.
.uk-position-cover Adds absolute positioning to an element and stretches it to cover the entire parent.

Responsive objects

Images in UIkit adapt to the width of their parent container by default. If you want to apply the responsive behavior to media elements, like a video object, just add one of the following classes.

.uk-responsive-width Adjusts the object's width according to its parent's width, keeping the original aspect ratio.
.uk-responsive-height Adjusts the object's height according to its parent's height, keeping the original aspect ratio.

Example width

Example height


<video controls class="uk-responsive-width"></video>

<img class="uk-responsive-height" src="" alt="">


Add one of the following classes to add spacing to block elements.

.uk-margin Adds the same top and bottom margins as a paragraph usually has.
.uk-margin-top Adds top margin.
.uk-margin-bottom Adds bottom margin.
.uk-margin-left Adds left margin.
.uk-margin-right Adds right margin.

Larger margin

Add one of the following classes to add larger spacing to block elements.

.uk-margin-large Adds large top and bottom margin.
.uk-margin-large-top Adds large top margin.
.uk-margin-large-bottom Adds large bottom margin.
.uk-margin-large-left Adds large left margin.
.uk-margin-large-right Adds large right margin.

Smaller margin

Add one of the following classes to add smaller spacing to block elements.

.uk-margin-small Adds small top and bottom margin.
.uk-margin-small-top Adds small top margin.
.uk-margin-small-bottom Adds small bottom margin.
.uk-margin-small-left Adds small left margin.
.uk-margin-small-right Adds small right margin.

Remove margin

Add one of the following classes to remove spacing from block elements.

.uk-margin-remove Removes all margins.
.uk-margin-top-remove Removes top margin.
.uk-margin-bottom-remove Removes bottom margin.

Auto margin

To add spacing to stacking elements, for example inline elements that wrap on smaller vieports, just add the data-uk-margin attribute to their parent container. It will automatically add the .uk-margin-small-top to the lower element.



<p data-uk-margin>
    <button class="uk-button">...</button>
    <button class="uk-button">...</button>

NOTE By default, the data attribute adds the .uk-margin-small-top class to stacking elements. To apply a bigger margin, just add the {cls:'.uk-margin-top'} option.

Border radius

To add rounded corners to an element, like an image, just add the .uk-border-rounded. To a apply a circled shape, add the .uk-border-circle class.


Border rounded Border circle

<img class="uk-border-rounded" src="" alt="">
<img class="uk-border-circle" src="" alt="">

Heading large

To increase the font size of your headings on tablets and desktops, just add the .uk-heading-large class.




<h1 class="uk-heading-large">...<h1>

If a link should not have the default link color, just add the .uk-link-muted class to the anchor element or the parent element.



<a class="uk-link-muted">...<a>

<h1 class="uk-link-muted"><a>...<a><h1>

<ul class="uk-link-muted">

Scrollable preformatted text

Add the .uk-scrollable-text class to set a max-height and provide a vertical scrollbar. This is very useful for preformatted text, if you don't want your code blocks to take too much space.


<!-- This is sample code to demonstrate preformatted text with a scrollbar. -->

<div class="uk-grid">
    <div class="uk-width-medium-1-2">
        <div class="uk-panel uk-panel-box uk-text-left">...</div>
    <div class="uk-width-medium-1-2">
        <div class="uk-panel uk-panel-box uk-text-right">...</div>
<div class="uk-grid">
    <div class="uk-width-medium-1-2">
        <div class="uk-panel uk-panel-box uk-text-center">...</div>
    <div class="uk-width-medium-1-2">
        <div class="uk-panel uk-panel-box uk-text-justify">...</div>

<div class="uk-grid">
    <div class="uk-width-medium-1-2">
        <div class="uk-panel uk-panel-box uk-text-break">...</div>
    <div class="uk-width-medium-1-2">
        <div class="uk-panel uk-panel-box"><p class="uk-margin-remove uk-text-truncate">...</p></div>

Scrollable box

Add the .uk-scrollable-box class to create a panel-like box which has a max-height and provides a vertical scrollbar. It can contain any kind of content.



<div class="uk-scrollable-box">
    <ul class="uk-list">
        <li><label><input type="checkbox">...</label></li>
        <li><label><input type="checkbox">...</label></li>

Overflow container

To create a container that provides a horizontal scrollbar whenever the elements inside it are wider than the container itself, just add the .uk-overflow-container class to a <div> element. This comes in useful when having to handle tables on a responsive website, which at some point would just get too big.


Table HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable Heading
Table Footer Table Footer Table Footer Table Footer Table Footer Table Footer Table Footer Table Footer
Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data
Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data
Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data Table Data


<div class="uk-overflow-container">...</div>

Display utilities

Add one of these classes to change the display properties of an element.

.uk-display-block Forces the element to behave like a block element.
.uk-display-inline Forces the element to behave like an inline element.
.uk-display-inline-block Forces the element to behave like an inline-block element.

Visibility utilities

.uk-hidden Hides the element on any device.
.uk-invisible Hides the element without removing it from the flow.
.uk-visible-hover Displays hidden content on hover using display: block. Add this class to the parent element.
.uk-visible-hover-inline Displays hidden content on hover using display: inline-block. Add this class to the parent element.


Hover me...


<div class="uk-visible-hover">
    <div class="uk-hidden">...</div>

Responsive visibility

You can show or hide content on specific viewport widths. Breakpoints are set through variables and can easily be modified. Since the line between different device sizes keeps blurring, class names are kept general and do not refer to particular devices.

up to 767
768 to 959
960 and larger
.uk-visible-small Visible Hidden Hidden
.uk-visible-medium Hidden Visible Hidden
.uk-visible-large Hidden Hidden Visible
.uk-hidden-small Hidden Visible Visible
.uk-hidden-medium Visible Hidden Visible
.uk-hidden-large Visible Visible Hidden